The Sky Is Falling…!

You’ve heard of AI; chances are you’ve dealt with it and not even known it. Make AI work for YOU! Get your own AI suite! You won’t believe what it can do for you. It won’t replace you… what it will do is supercharge your own abilities. Jump in!

In these economically unsure times, one thing comes to mind: you can only rely on yourself. No job, no boss, no company, no bank, no friends…

Sometimes they can help, but only occasionally. And you won’t know what happens when.

The only thing you can absolutely rely on all the time is yourself. Look in the mirror and say, “Hello! I’m your new helper.”

So what now? Let’s think for a minute. You’re sitting in front of your most excellent mentor, whoever they may be, and you just asked them that question.

What would they say?

They would say, at some point, that you need a plan.

“Well… okay,” you’d say, unsure what comes next. The silence stretches on…

I’ll never forget the disappointment in my mentor’s eyes when I said that. You may have had a better mentor than I did. Or I hope that you were a better mentee than I was.

I learned the next phase of that process when I became a better mentee.

The plan comes from YOU.

After (sadly) much mentoring, I learned how to develop a plan.

Here’s the general idea of what will be your plan. It’s only a general idea because all plans are based on all the variables around you. You provide them.

How to make a plan:

  1. You have to know what your situation is. This sounds a little dumb at first; you have to look at your situation and a few external factors like ‘how much time do I have to fix this?’ and ‘What do I need to control right now to effect my solution?’ Right now, time is your friend if you have it. If you lost your job, you might have a few days to come up with a plan. If there’s a tornado coming across your front yard bearing down on your house, not so much. See what I mean?
  2. You have to know what you have to work with. This is something that often needs to be included in planning. There may be not only helpful things around you to help you, but you may find the solution to your problem at your feet! It’s happened to me. And you will only sometimes recognize the answer when you see it. You need to keep an open mind and not be afraid to consider what may be odd or distasteful ideas.
  3. Enlist some help. There will almost always be people around you who can help you. Family, friends, all kinds of organizations… you need only ask. You might be surprised at the assistance you’ll get. I have often found that “Ask and you shall receive” turns into “Why didn’t I just think of this and ask sooner?” There is an entire professional class of people who take advantage of others’ charity; don’t be too proud to let others help you. 

See? Now, that wasn’t too bad. You’ve assessed your situation, found things around you to help yourself, reached out to others, some of whom are quite familiar with your situation, and you should now be well on your way to a new path in life. Remember, it may not be the path you envisioned for yourself, but it has to be better than the cold, dark space you were in before you started this exercise.